

  1. Milling works shall proceed on the marked area using the milling machine to the required depth.  For milling of more than 50 mm depth, the transverse key joint with ‘step’ shall be observed as shown in the drawing.
  2. During milling, the depth shall be checked periodically to ensure compliances with the specifications requirement.
  3. The milling waste shall be hoarded onto lorries and transported to the designated dumpsite outside the R.O.W.
  4. The milled surface area shall be cleaned of all loose aggregate with the use of mechanical power broom or equivalent.  Air compressor is to be put on stand-by in case of raining.
  5. Transverse joint shall be cut with diamond cutter.  The cutting depth shall be the same as wearing course layer thickness.  The joint shall be ensured to be at perpendicular with the beneath layer.
  6. For milling beyond the ACWC layer, ‘stepping’ procedure shall be carried out on both ways: parallel and perpendicular to traffic flow.  The stepping shall be as shown in the following diagram:
  7. For transverse joint, stepping shall be at 20 meters or as directed by the Engineer.
  8. For longitudinal joint, the stepping shall be at 150 mm from both edges of milled surface as shown above.