MFR Injection System

Checking site conditions, injection locations are confirmed. ( following careful, prior evaluation of ground conditions, the procedure is  carried out in two distinct and successive phases )

At one or more locations, used mechanical or hydraulic operated    driller to drill holes a series of 16mm to 25mm (1”) in diameter are drilled to require depths from 1metre to 2 metre. To insert packer and     tubes

Phase 1. Stabilisation Phase Shallow Consolidation

to insert a mechanical packer or tubes place on the drill holes,closed tight ready for injection. The resin is injected thru small holes into the zone immediately and directly below the concrete slab with the intent of confirming or re-establishing the soil ground contact by filling any voids which may be present. In addition,any loose soil is encapsulated and immediate ground is improved by an increase in shear resistance. If necessary repeated Injection is recommended.

Phase 2 .Densification Phase Deep Consolidation

During phase 2. The resin is injected through long small diameter tubes,to the required depth of 2 metre. As foundation support by secondary injection till the entire Dense soil is filled with resin preventing future’s further erosion or soil movement.To inject 3 metre depth to received hydroswelling resin to to prevent massive sand/soil from shrinkage that may caused soil borrowing.
Densification/consolidation occurs adjacent to the point of injection,by filling or compacting large and small voids and fissures, the expulsion of water and air and the formation of conglomerates. Consolidation is verified and injection is stopped when the concrete just begins to lift

Describing the procedure in more detail:

Once, the resin is injected enter the ground, it begin to expand in all directions, developing a force of up to 10.000kPa (1000 tons/m2 or 1400psi ). Naturally expansion is greater in the direction in which the resin encounters the least resistance and so, initially, the resin moves,expands and compacts where the foundation is weakest and has the greatest need of improvement